The purpose of this document (the “Policy”) is to define the framework and provide a basis for Yantarni’s work to respect human rights.
The objectives of this Policy are to ensure respect for the human rights of all employees and third parties impacted by Yantarni’s operations, and maintain compliance with relevant Yantarni rules and applicable legal regulations.
For the purpose of this Policy, Yantarni operations include any aspect of Yantarni’s operations.
For the purpose of this Policy, a “contractor” or “third party service provider” is defined as an entity or individual who provides, and receives payment for, services or goods related to any aspect of Yantarni operation, and includes sub- contractors.
This policy applies to Yantarni and covers Yantarni’s business activities and operations globally and it is applicable to all Yantarni employees. The reporting requirements of this Policy are also applicable to Yantarni’s contractors and suppliers.
This Policy is intended to supplement all applicable laws, rules, and other corporate policies. It is not intended to supplant any local laws.
Human rights can be defined as universal rights that allow individuals the freedom to lead a dignified life, free from fear or want, and free to express independent beliefs. These rights are internationally defined and recognized, and identified in international conventions. Human rights violations frequently also violate domestic laws, which may include domestic criminal laws, labor laws, laws protecting property, laws protecting civil rights, and other legal provisions.
Yantarni strives to act in accordance with the International Code of Conduct Association (ICoCA) and the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights.
Policy Requirements
It is Yantarni’s policy to respect the human rights of all individuals impacted by Yantarni operations, including employees and external stakeholders. This Policy requires that all Yantarni employees and third party service providers provide the same respect. For purpose of this Policy, “external stakeholders” means residents of communities in which Yantarni operations take place, employees of third party service providers and other non-employees whose human rights may be directly impacted by Yantarni operations.
While governments have the primary responsibility to protect against human rights violations, Yantarni recognizes its corporate responsibility to respect human rights.
Yantarni does not tolerate violations of human rights committed by its employees, affiliates or any third parties acting on its behalf or related to any aspect of a Yantarni operation.
Yantarni does not tolerate the use of child labor, prison labor, forcibly indentured labor, bonded labor, slavery or servitude.
Yantarni does not tolerate discrimination against individuals on the basis of race, color, gender, religion, political opinion, nationality or social origin, or harassment of individuals freely employed. Yantarni recognizes and respects their freedom to join or refrain from joining legally authorized associations or organizations.
In its relationship with host governments, contractors and third party service providers, Yantarni seeks to avoid being complicit in adverse human rights impacts.
In carrying out this Policy:
A. Training on Yantarni’s human rights expectations and the terms of this Policy will be provided to all new employees, and all existing employees who, by virtue of their position, may have an impact on the human rights of stakeholders.
B. Yantarni will strive to conduct reasonable human rights due diligence to determine the actual and potential human rights impacts of its operations, and seek to employ reasonable measures to mitigate any such impacts.
C. Yantarni will track and monitor reports of human rights violations related to Yantarni operations to identify potential control failures, and for other purposes.
D. Yantarni will seek to adhere to the requirements of the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights in its dealings with private and public security providers, local communities, and potential victims of human rights violations.
E. For relevant party service providers, Yantarni will perform reasonable due diligence, requires that human rights terms and conditions be included in contracts. Yantarni will require that third party service providers are aware of, and comply with, this Policy and the Yantarni Code of Ethics. Certain third party service providers may be required to receive human rights training.
F. In instances in which Yantarni determines that its employees, affiliates or third parties acting on its behalf have caused adverse human rights impacts, it will consider appropriate mechanisms to mitigate such impacts and remediation. Where violations by employees are proven, Yantarni will consider appropriate sanctions and remedies to victims.
There is no permitted deviation or waiver from this Policy.
Any Yantarni employee implicated in human rights violations or other serious criminal acts may face termination of employment. Any employee who has direct knowledge of but fails to report human rights violations, or other serious criminal acts, of employees or third party providers or contractors may face termination. Any employee who misleads or hinders investigators inquiring into human rights violations or serious criminal acts may face termination.
Any third party contractor implicated in human rights violations or serious criminal acts, who knows of and fails to report human rights violations or other serious criminal acts, or who misleads investigators making inquiries into human rights violations or serious criminal acts, will be expected to take appropriate remedial actions and/or may have their contracts reevaluated or terminated, depending on the circumstances.